There are 2 blood test clinics per week at Twyford Surgery on Tuesday AM and Friday AM.
The antenatal clinics are run weekly by the midwife. However, if you are thinking of starting a family you may wish to phone the health visitor for general advice. Before any woman becomes pregnant she is advised to: check that she is immune to German Measles (you will require a blood test if you are not sure); take folic acid supplements (to protect against spina bifida); and take sensible measures to improve health before conceiving, i.e. achieve ideal weight, exercise, stop smoking and moderate alcohol intake. Please telephone for an appointment in advance.
Clinics are held at: The United Church, Jewry Street, Winchester SO23 8RZ every Thursday 9:30 - 11.30 - currently closed
St Gregory's Church, Grange Road, Alresford, SO24 9HD 4th Wednesday every month 10.00 to 12.00 - currently closed
Jubilee Hall, Little Shire Lane, Bishops Waltham, SO32 1ED 2nd Tuesday of every month 9.30 - 11.30 - currently closed
Child Health will send an invitation to parents to contact the surgery to make an appointment with the practice nurse for baby immunisations.
Practice nurses are happy to see any teenager aged between 13 and 17 years old for their first health check. This includes blood pressure, height, weight and urine checks, as well as a vaccination status check. It also provides a chance to discuss any potential problems relevant to this important age group. It is much easier never to smoke or to take drugs than to stop. Please telephone for an appointment.
All the doctors are fully trained in family planning (FP Cert) and some offer a fully comprehensive service including coils and implants. For your first appointment, please see a doctor. Subsequent follow-up may be carried out by the practice nurse. Please phone for an appointment.
Women are encouraged to have a cervical smear test every three years from age 20-49 and then every five years until 65 (and beyond if they wish). Some women will be advised to have them more frequently if there are special problems. The smears are usually performed by the practice nurses as part of a full 'Well Woman' check (including weight, blood pressure, breast examination and urinalysis). Please phone for an appointment. You should receive a reminder when you smear is due.
The practice provides smoking cessation advice for patients. Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurses. You can also get help from the Smokefree Hampshire service here : smokefreehampshire.co.uk.
We offer the full range of vaccines, medicines and advice required for travel to any part of the world. If necessary we can provide (at a cost) suitable emergency drugs and packs.
We are a registered Yellow Fever Centre.
Please click here for travel vaccination charges.
If you are planning to travel to a tropical or exotic location, you need to make an appointment to see our travel nurse (01962 712906) at least six weeks before travelling. You also need to print and complete this travel questionnaire. Please bring this to the surgery well ahead of your appointment.
Additional information can be found on our Travel Vaccinations page, where you can inform yourself before your appointment about which vaccinations you will need for your intended destination. It is important that you are aware of the immunisations you will need and that this will incur a cost. We will inform you of the cost at the time of your appointment and you will be expected to make a payment at each travel appointment. Please make sure you have the means to do so when you attend your travel appointments.
Find Infomration regarding Winchester Rural South PCN, here.
The practice nurse can teach you breast self-examination. However, all women between 50 and 64 years will receive an appointment every three years to attend the local breast unit for a mammogram. Women over 64 (in whom half the cases of breast cancer occur) are welcome to have a mammogram every three years. Please make your appointment with the breast unit at Winchester Hospital (01962 824841)
Suspicious skin lesions and 'lumps and bumps' can be excised under local anaesthetic by the doctor with the nurse in attendance. Please consult your doctor first.
Obesity is one of the greatest health problems facing our society and is caused by excessive eating of the wrong foods and lack of exercise. If you think you are becoming overweight, come (as early as possible) to see the practice nurse.
The level of cholesterol in our bodies is partly inherited but also relates to how much saturated fat we eat. Our western diet is often too high in dairy products and animal fat. This is one of the significant causes of heart disease. Reducing fat intake and increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet has a major impact on health. Drugs are used to treat people whose cholesterol remains high especially if they have established arterial disease. We aim to keep people's cholesterol below 5 if they have had a heart attack or stroke. Ideally everybody's cholesterol should be below this level.
It is particularly important to have your cholesterol checked if you have had problems with your heart or a warning stroke or have diabetes. It is also important if you have family members who have had heart disease or strokes before the age of 60.
In accordance with DHS guidelines, we offer flu and/or pneumonia vaccination to all susceptible people (those with diabetes, asthma, heart or lung disease, immunosuppressed and the over 65s), between October and December each year. Please try to make your appointment in early October.
Any woman or man experiencing such problems is invited to see the doctor or nurse for investigation of these common, but distressing disorders. In men, prostate cancer may be detected early if you report any change in your usual flow.
The Diabetic clinic is currently held at Twyford with our Diabetic Nurse. We will contact Diabetic patients each year, inviting them to attend a review.
These are held weekly by the practice nurse. She may involve the doctor if your condition is getting worse. Please telephone for an appointment.
District Nurses
0300 003 0899 between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm
01256 810683 after 5.00 pm, weekends and Bank Holidays
The district nursing team can be contacted through the Winchester Community Services Hub on the above telephone numbers.
Our district nursing service is a team of experienced nurses and a care assistant who specialise in caring for those who need to be looked after at home, whether as a result of chronic ill health, recent surgery or those wishing to die at home.
Health Visitors
Telephone: 01962 763985
Our health visitors' work focuses on the promotion of mental and physical health. They have particular expertise in families with young children and run regular child health clinics for the under 5s.
Telephone: 01962 712202
Our midwife runs antenatal clinics at Colden Common Surgery, delivers babies in the GP unit at Winchester Hospital and cares for mothers and babies after they have left hospital. She is happy to discuss any aspect of maternity care and will try to provide the type of care you request. For details of clinics, please phone Appointments on 01962 712906.
People with marital, sexual, depressive or bereavement problems may be suitable for referral to our counsellor via their doctor. There is no provision for counselling under the NHS in our area and a charge is made for this service.
NHS Podiatry appointments can be booked at Avalon House in Winchester on 01962 831130. These appointments require an initial referral from your GP.
Private Chiropody Clinics are held at Colden Common surgery every Tuesday from 9.10 am to 12.10 pm, and from 1.30 am to 4.10 pm. These can be booked through Reception.
A hospital dietitian usually visits Twyford surgery on the first Wednesday of the month from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm by appointment.